Friday, December 9, 2011

Charleston Bucket List

John came back from the pharmacy Mid Year convention in New Orleans this week with...dun dun DUN!.... a list of possible employers for next year. He did some interviews while he was there and is planning on applying for some jobs from Dallas to Denver to West Virginia. No word on any jobs for him in Charleston yet, so it's a strong possibility we will be moving again this summer.

So today I was thinking about how much I love Charleston and how many things I will miss when we don't live here anymore. It also made me think of all the things in Charleston I still have yet to do.

If we only have 6 or 7 more months here, I better get to making some more Charleston memories fast! Therefore I made a Charleston Bucket List. And of course, I made it into an art project because I'm cool like that.

Here it is:

Please excuse the pathetic attempt at drawings. But hey, that sailboat and martini glass didn't turn out too bad!

I'm sure I'll be adding more to the list and updating you with a blog entry when I check one off. Or better yet- out of state family and friends: Come visit me and help me complete a few!

Until then, I hung my new fancy list on the refrigerator so I'll remember to get out there and appreciate beautiful Charleston while I still have it!

Happy weekend everyone!

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