Saturday, July 30, 2011

A few of my favorite beach things

There are so so many things I love about living the sweet salty life by the sea. But here are a few of my very favorite beach things.

1. Shelling

I could spend hours walking up and down the shoreline looking for interesting seashells. When we first moved here, I picked up almost every shell I found (mostly clams). But now I've learned to be more picky. My goal is to find full shells, not broken, but that is rare. One day I'd love to find a sand dollar or a full conch.

One day's finds drying on my kitchen counter. Not many full shells, but several pretty colors, shapes and textures.

I like to display my shells in all my spare vases. This one usually sits on our mantel. Can you tell the ones at the bottom of the vase are the ones I collected when we first moved here (aka plain). You can tell I got pickier as time went on.

I have learned that the best time to go looking for shells is the hour before and the hour after low tide. Low tide comes twice a day, but the one that comes in the morning is usually the best for shelling.

Mom and Larry on Folly one morning helping me look for shells and enjoying a beautiful sunrise.

Mom, that's not a shell, that's a crab. Let's not take it home.

2. Boogie Boarding

While Mom and Larry were in Charleston they bought us a couple boogie boards. I had never boogie boarded before and I soon fell in love. So much fun when you've got good waves! Maybe one day I'll advance to the surf board.

Yeah, my board is pretty hard core. What?

Mom tearing up some waves. She schooled us on all the advanced boogie board moves.

3. Strolling

Need I say more?

4. Silliness

Actually I just love these silly photos we took at Folly the last night Mom, Larry and Sarah were in town. Who knew John had such good form?

John the leapster

Sarah kicking small children.


Think happy thoughts, Mom! :)

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