Monday, June 27, 2011

Our beach bungalow

Believe it or not, after only three days in South Carolina we are pretty much completely unpacked! We love our new rental house on James Island, especially since we are no longer living out of boxes. The location is perfect! Just 7 minutes to downtown and about 10 minutes to Folly Beach!

The view from the front window looking on to our front porch.

Our front hallway. Note the sign above the closet says "Every day should be a beach day"- so true. And we are finally getting to use the hall tree we inherited from John's grandma, Gammie. It needs a new mirror as we accidentally broke it when moving it into our last place.

John enjoys watching TV in our new living room as much as he did in the old one! Go figure!

Cute little half bath.

Our main bathroom.

Our guest bedroom is up and running! Come see us in Charleston and this could be all yours! Seriously, just let us know the dates (some dates in July already booked) and we'll throw in a free spaghetti dinner!

Our bedroom looks the exact same way it looked in our last two places :) Obviously we'll have to find a long-term solution for those windows. The bamboo shades are cute but let in too much light for sleeping in.

A whole room for dining...imagine that!

LOVE the new kitchen! Though it doesn't have an island, it does have plenty of storage space!

Other side of the kitchen with new bug-proof trash can.

The Noxie loves it here in SC so much she got a tattoo! A butt hat none the less.

The beautiful hydrangeas in my front yard! They desperately need some water as it hasn't rained here in forever. Is that what that hose is for?


  1. I just saw that you had a blog and love it! And, I love that you guys kept John's boot in those shelves in the dining room. So great! BTW, Charleston is on our short list of places we MUST visit soon -- it's so charming!

  2. Glad you are all setup! Looks cute as always. A quick edit "Gammie" has the "ie" at the end. Just doesn't seem right the other way. Also read the cockroach story reminds me of Mom and Dad's story of me playing with them in my crib. Not as gross now that I've dug a live beetle out of Jack's mouth. Can't wait to see what God has in store for you in SC. Lots of love, Julie

  3. Emily- Please let us know if you head to Charleston! You're more than welcome to stay here, but even if you don't we should get together. I'd love to catch up and meet baby Jack! What a cutie!

    Julie- I'm going to pretend you didn't tell me that story about the crib (or the one about grandaddy letting them eat off his toes.) I'm joining the denial group. Much easier that way. Miss you guys! Love you!
